154XP334.ZIP 6,935 09-29-92 Adaptec1542 ROM bin file to fix MIDI 330hcnf moves 1542 to 334h EVEN FOR BOOT DRIVE,but you'll need a PROM burner.
2001SNDS.ZIP 350,001 03-12-92 Sounds from 2001:Space Odyssey movies inSoundTool's .SND format.
4LARRY.ZIP 1,798 03-18-92 Mt-32 Midi: Jazz For Larry.
92042304.ZIP 18,775 04-24-92 Southern California earthquake.
ADDICTGS.ZIP 8,244 07-17-92 MID: Robert Palmer's Addicted to Love in atype 1 standard MIDI file, set up in the GSMIDI standard format for Sound Canvas, etc.
BADBONE.ARJ 332,446 06-07-92 George Thorogood and the Destroyers' "Bad tothe Bone" for SoundBlaster...Excellent!
BADMN_32.ZIP 10,131 07-21-92 MID-MT32: Creedance Clearwater Revival's BadMoon Rising for the Roland MT-32 in type 1standard MIDI format.
BADMN_GS.ZIP 10,022 07-21-92 MID-GS: Creedance Clearwater Revival's BadMoon Rising in GS MIDI format for the RolandSC-55, SC-155, SCC-1, or any other GS MIDIsetup.
BANK.ARJ 16,598 07-19-92 An AdLib .BNK file.. Tons of instruments
BEAR_SND.ZIP 187,629 06-01-92 Sounds of a RUSSIAN circus
BEAUTY.ZIP 10,315 04-08-92 MIDI - "Beauty and the Beast" by ColinCrisante, includes MT32/CASIO and ROL.
BIRD_SND.ZIP 195,793 05-04-92 Sounds of some feathered CRITTERS
BLACK_GS.ZIP 6,984 08-08-92 MID-GS: Depeche Mode's Black Celebration forthe Roland Sound canvas SC-55, SCC-1, orother GS MIDI synth. Music sequenced byMick Doyle, drums by Doc Doc.
BOND_SND.ZIP 293,676 06-18-92 Crazy Sounds - Julian Bond Movie effects andsome random .gifs
BOP27.ZIP 19,206 02-09-92 Great Classical Midi File.
BOTLESND.ZIP 156,262 04-28-92 Sounds of electronic music
BRAINMID.ZIP 77,490 09-05-92 MIDI file. Good improvisation by EmersonLake.
B_PULPIT.ZIP 2,734 03-20-92 Broken Pulpit. A Midi Sequence. MellowIntro Broken by Pounding Bass Drum. A FastPased Song With A Drum And Bass Solo.
CALLED.ZIP 27,400 04-05-92 I Just Called to Say I Love You, by StevieWonder in Midi format. Sequenced withBallade by Darla for the MT-32 but can beadjusted to any synth. An original drumtrack by the Magician included! Edited withWinjammer. Track sheet in zipfile.
CANNON_D.ZIP 20,135 04-17-92 Great Classical MIDI
CANYONGS.ZIP 14,231 07-26-92 MID-GS: Canyon Music, new age jazz in GSMIDI format for the Roland Sound Canvas orany other GS MIDI synth.
CARS.ZIP 4,750 04-11-92 MT-32 MIDI: Gary Numan's Cars.
CASBAH32.ZIP 5,206 07-18-92 MID-MT32: The Clash's Rock the Casbah,sequenced for the MT-32 and compatibles andsaved to a type 1 standard MIDI file byNorma Williams.
CAVATINA.ZIP 2,394 09-23-92 "Cavatina" by Stanley Meyers, better knownas the theme from "The Deerhunter" arrangedas a Classical guitar solo for Roland SoundCanvas. Easily adapted to other synths.
CBAND1.ZIP 13,032 03-10-92 A nice MIDI format song... Try it out.
CHINASND.ZIP 226,755 05-14-92 Sounds of China includes the song of thelegendary Chinese bird - the Nightingale
COLORWLD.ZIP 3,212 09-07-92 Color My World by Chicago (1970) in standardMIDI (.MID) format.
CURE.ZIP 32,176 03-17-92 Cure Lyrics, complete set
DAFTSND.ZIP 60,784 02-12-92 More daft sounds of DAFFY duck
DAZED.ZIP 4,199 05-25-92 Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused -> .ROL.
DB2.ZIP 195,768 08-17-92 New LIB for Drum Blaster. Lots of soundeffects!
DB3A.ZIP 199,438 08-17-92 New LIB for Drum Blaster. Lots of soundeffects!
DEBUSSY.ZIP 22,736 04-22-92 Adlib Transcription of Claude Debussy'sChildrens Corner.
DOCMID35.ZIP 22,053 04-08-92 Mt-32 Midi: Theme From Beaty And The Beast.
DOCMID36.ZIP 16,039 04-12-92 MT-32 MIDI: The Naked Gun Theme.
DOCMYEYE.ZIP 3,582 05-03-92 Doctor My Eyes MIDI sequence for the LAPC/MT-32 etc by MD MacDonald
DPROFUND.ZIP 17,496 05-20-92 MID file of De Profundis by Michel deLalande (a baroque choral piece) voiced forSCC-1
DREAMER.ZIP 15,285 09-15-92 Dreamer by Supertramp (MID) Sound CanvasPerformance Mix - No Lead Instrument
DREAMLND.ZIP 1,379 04-16-92 ADLIBB "Dreamland" From Soundtrack For TheBoys.
DUSTY01.ZIP 41,097 03-29-92 Dust in The Wind Midi. Sequenced by Darlafor the MT-32 but can be adapted to anysynth. Track sheet included in file
ELNEKLE1.ZIP 34,195 03-28-92 MIDI - "A little Night Music".
ELPTARK.ZIP 43,235 09-08-92 Midifile: Emerson Lake & Palmers Tarkusincludes Eruption AND Stone of years...
ELSHAD.ZIP 2,969 04-08-92 El Shaddai by Michael Card, taken from theAmy Grant songbook and sequenced by Darlafor the MT-32 but can be adapted to anysynth Sequenced with Trax and edited withWinjammer
EMPTYHT.ZIP 12,477 03-03-92 Empty Thoughts for the .699 sound player
ENCHANTE.ZIP 0,799 04-22-92 Adlib .ROL file
ENCORSND.ZIP 318,566 06-15-92 Sounds of an ENCORE. A few more planned dueto a REQUEST.
EURO_MID.ZIP 88,198 05-05-92 European MID files; mostly classical musicof the baroque age.
E_FUGUE.ZIP 2,237 06-20-92 Bach'S "Fugue In E" ROL file.
FARMSND.ZIP 204,249 04-20-92 Sounds from the Family Farm
FEEL_SND.ZIP 361,282 06-08-92 Sounds of cRaZy CURLY of the 3 stooges
FERRY.ZIP 6,113 10-05-92 Ferry Across the Mersey - MIDI for the MT-32/ LAPC sequenced by MD MacDonald
FINE_SND.ZIP 267,057 05-05-92 Sounds of ROBOT warriors of the future
FIRESND.ZIP 174,139 02-16-92 Includes the sound of a fireplace
FLASHDAN.ZIP 24,809 10-05-92 Flashdance (What a feeling) MIDI for theMT-32 / LAPC or other. Sequenced by MDMacDonald.
FOLLOW.ZIP 12,718 09-15-92 Adlib .ROL file
FORALLWE.ZIP 1,410 04-01-92 ADLIB "For All We Know" Movie For The Boys.
FORYLOVE.ZIP 12,467 10-05-92 For Your Love (Yardbirds) MIDI for the MT-32/ LAPC sequenced by MD MacDonald
FUSEN_EM.ZIP 11,778 09-05-92 Jazz/rock fusion sequence in cakewalk4.0 procrist.
GREENBRQ.ZIP 64,081 03-06-92 A 669 music file Green
GTMYLFGS.ZIP 3,498 06-27-92 MIDI: GS MIDI sequence of the Beatles' "Gotto get You into My Life", sequenced for theRoland Sound Canvas SC-55 or any other GSMIDI synth by Mike Doyle. I kept eachinstrument on a separate track, so it'sconfigurable for most any setup.
HALALUA.ZIP 13,722 05-22-92 Halaluia Chorus in MIDI
HEARTM.ZIP 11,460 04-17-92 Hearth music - Cakewalk format MIDI file.
HOCKYSND.ZIP 119,547 04-28-92 Sounds of hockey
HOUSESUN.ZIP 14,439 10-05-92 House of the Rising Sun - MIDI for the MT-32/ LAPC-1 or other sequenced by MD MacDonald
ICANT.ZIP 3,492 04-23-92 Led Zeppelin - I Can't Quit You Baby -> .ROL.
INDIASND.ZIP 203,584 05-11-92 Sounds of India
INFOHIT_.ZIP 228,991 06-26-92 [669] infohit! Digital music for composer.
INFOSND.ZIP 238,762 03-25-92 Sounds from the Twilight Zone
INTOMAEL.ZIP 13,548 07-14-92 Into the Maelstrom for the .699 sound player
IRISHROS.ZIP 1,079 03-18-92 Mt-32 Midi: my Wild Irish Rose.
IRISHSND.ZIP 77,304 03-12-92 Sound of Daffy Duck in Northern Ireland p.s. SND files are strictly a TEAM effort
ISAW_32.ZIP 19,102 08-15-92 MIDI: MID format "I saw her standingthere..".
ITALYSND.ZIP 131,616 02-26-92 Sound of 1st rule of Italian driving
IWILL_32.ZIP 3,706 07-19-92 MID: Beatles' I WIll for the MT-32.
IWILL_GS.ZIP 3,892 07-19-92 MID-GS: Beatles' "I Will" for the RolandSound Canvas, SC-55, SC-155, SCC-1, or anyother GS MIDI compatible sound module.
JAZZ_SND.ZIP 133,156 05-13-92 Sounds to JAZZ up your life
JUNGLE1.ZIP 183,725 03-16-92 Several sounds from the Disney cartoon"Jungle Book" in SoundTool .SND format(ready for use by Wired for Sound). Sampledat 11kHz.
JUNGLE2.ZIP 130,541 03-16-92 More sounds from Jungle Book in SoundTool.SND format (for Wired for Sound). Sampledat 11kHz.
JUNGLE3.ZIP 217,504 03-16-92 Sounds of Jungle Book cartoon movie, part 3. In SoundTool .SND format, ready for use byWired for Sound. Sampled at 11kHz.
JUNGLE6.ZIP 149,998 03-16-92 Sounds from Jungle Book in .SND format.
JUNGLE7.ZIP 131,342 03-10-92 Sounds from Jungle Book in .SND format.
JUNGLSND.ZIP 163,721 02-12-92 Some crazy Bird sounds
JURYSND.ZIP 234,060 04-22-92 Sounds of Apple versus Microsoft
KEYWEST.ZIP 14,549 04-18-92 MIDI: Original Latin song, "Key West", by.
KINDHUSH.ZIP 14,453 10-05-92 There's a Kind of Hush MIDI for the MT-32 /LAPC or other. Sequenced by MD MacDonald
KISS_SND.ZIP 47,620 04-28-92 Sounds of feminine persuasion
LATINSND.ZIP 194,682 06-02-92 Sounds of the LATINO community
LEMON.ZIP 8,188 05-26-92 Led Zeppelin - The Lemon Song -> .ROL.
LOBET.ZIP 12,664 06-11-92 MID file of Bach's motet Lobet den Herrn (achoral piece with organ) voiced for SCC-1
LOTSMIDI.ZIP 777,449 08-09-92 MIDI: sequences, over 100 of all typesincluding classical, pop, rock & jazz.
LOVE.ZIP 6,292 09-26-92 .mid - Midi file Led Zeppelin - "All of myLove.
LOVE2SEE.ZIP 6,910 06-07-92 This is "I Love To See You Smile" Sequencedby my boyfriend, Richard K. McCarty alsoknown as the Magician. Standard Midi Formatseq using the MT-32. Track sheet includedfor adpatation for any synth.
MAMA2BBS.ZIP 1,631 05-07-92 Sequence for the LAPC /MT-32 from an unusualROL that I found. I don't recognize thesong but I like it. Resequenced by MDMacDonald
MAX_SND.ZIP 30,971 02-25-92 Crystal clear sound of M-M-Max Headroom
MDI02.ZIP 121,952 05-17-92 These are .ROL files converted to SingleTrack Midi compatible music files. DownloadCMVxx.ZIP to play them.
MDI04.ZIP 83,894 05-17-92 These are .ROL files converted to SingleTrack Midi compatible music files. DownloadCMVxx.ZIP to play them.
MEEP_SND.ZIP 227,571 06-09-92 CRYSTAL clear sound of the ROAD RUNNER.
MEL_1.ZIP 100,723 03-19-92 Mel-Odius Goes Six-String Searchin' 1 of 2
MEL_2.ZIP 281,838 03-13-92 Mel-Odius Goes Six-String Searchin' 2 of 2
MERLIN.VMF 102,857 06-07-92 Cut from "Camelot" for Covox Speech thing
MIDI1.ZIP 141,690 09-28-92 A selection of great midi songs.
MIDIFEST.ZIP 197,730 02-14-92 Collection of Midi files for the MT-32 orother synths. These are the very latestthat have appeared on the Genie
MIDIMAP.ZIP 5,741 05-18-92 Cross Reference Between SEquencer Plus Proand MPC MidiMap. In Excel Format.
MID_ROL.ZIP 29,473 04-28-92 These are a bunch of .MOD to .ROLconversions.
MIMICSND.ZIP 226,827 04-17-92 Sounds of monkey business
MINDSND.ZIP 33,973 03-14-92 Sound of Beatle George Harrison
MIO_SND.ZIP 418,707 06-05-92 Sounds of PAVOROTTI actually singing YESLuciano himself!!
MISCSYX.ZIP 45,417 07-15-92 Miscellaneous SYSEX DMPs for Cakewalk andD50/Proteus.
MISUND.ZIP 14,945 09-18-92 Misunderstanding by Genesis - (MID) SoundCanvas - Performance Mix - No Lead Instrument
MIT_SND.ZIP 260,517 05-25-92 Sounds of Business Trouble Shooters
MONKYSND.ZIP 238,043 04-15-92 More sounds from the Jungle
MRBLUE.ZIP 7,991 10-05-92 Mr. Blue - MIDI for the MT-32 / LAPC orother sequenced by MD MacDonald
MUSICSD2.ZIP 272,534 03-16-92 Musical sounds in .SND format (SoundTool's,compatible with Wired for Sound).
MYBRAVE.ZIP 364,639 07-25-92 The song "My Brave face" for Covox speechthing
MYWAVES.ZIP 877,154 10-12-92 Highlander and Ren&Stimpy sounds
NELLYSND.ZIP 31,260 04-22-92 Sounds from a marriage
NEWYORKM.ZIP 1,244 05-07-92 New York, NY very good MIDI resequence from
NOBETTER.ZIP 3,052 04-25-92 Steven Curtis Chapman MIDI song.
NOLA.ZIP 9,949 02-25-92 NOLA -Popular tune, 1915 by Felix Arndt ZIPIncludes SNG and MID file formats
NOMATTER.ZIP 7,238 05-07-92 No Matter What (BadFinger) MIDI sequence forthe LAPC/MT-32 etc by MD MacDonald
NOSTALGY.ZIP 4,432 05-19-92 A .MID file to use with Midi file player inWindows or any sequencer.
NOWWHAT3.LHA 117,326 05-02-92 5 songs in 1 mod./B. "Dr.Awesome" Lynne
NO_COKE.ZIP 284,947 05-01-92 Sounds of funny Saturday Nite Live skit
NY_SND.ZIP 325,551 06-12-92 Sounds of New York City
ONCELIFE.ZIP 8,640 05-07-92 For Once In My Life MIDI sequence by MD
PARTYSND.ZIP 35,387 04-28-92 Sounds of a party
PBLACK.ZIP 1,938 05-07-92 Paint It Black (Rolling Stones) MIDIsequence for the LAPC/MT-32 etc by MDMacDonald
PHAN32.ZIP 11,609 08-23-92 MID-MT32: Phantasmagora, cool rock for theRoland MT-32 & Compatibles.
PM_PROT.ZIP 67,813 05-30-92 Proteus Sound Bank Patchmaster Plus
POISSON.ZIP 280,106 05-12-92 Song from "The Little Mermaid" movie: Chefsinging about cooking fish and crab.
POSE_SND.ZIP 57,429 04-10-92 Sounds of missions & positions & WELLness.
POSITIVE.ZIP 573,834 03-12-92 Collection of positive-sounding messages inSoundTool's .SND format, ready for Wired forSound. Sampled between 7330 Hz and 22kHz.
PRESTO1.ZIP 3,360 06-03-92 Show me Dont Tell me by Rush SequencerPlus/Soundblaster. .SNG
PUSSYSND.ZIP 125,177 05-19-92 Sounds from a DoomsDay pussy
RAD_SND.ZIP 146,892 04-28-92 Sounds of FM radio
RDANCE1.ZIP 9,414 06-06-92 Bela Bartok's modern classical piano solo"Roumanian Dance #1" in MIDI type 1 format. Highly recommended to be played on seq. with volume/velocity and TEMPO control. Myfirst attempt at sequencing with Seq+Gold. Constructive criticism welcome :) Enjoy!
REN_STIW.ZIP 263,498 10-18-92 Swell new Ren&Stimpy samples, in .WAVformat. Easily convert to .VOC with WAVCONVor other.
RHAPSODY.ZIP 2,427 06-26-92 Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on A Theme Paganini#18 Sequencer Plus/Soundb .SNG
RIDERSM.ZIP 2,883 05-07-92 Riders on the Storm MIDI sequence for theLAPC/MT-32 etc by MD MacDonald
RINGSND.ZIP 53,807 02-20-92 Collection of Peewee Herman .SNDs
ROBOTECH.V3S 334,058 06-07-92 The theme from Robotech for Covox SpeechThing/voice master.
ROCKYH01.ZIP 63,057 05-04-92 WAV from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
RSTAT_10.ARJ 36,511 10-24-92 Renegade Status Holder
SBMUSIC.ZIP 104,167 09-06-92 QuitYou and Master .WAV sound files from LedZeppelin and Metallica.
SEPRET32.ZIP 3,845 07-18-92 MID_MT32: Separate Ways (Worlds Apart), byJourney, set up for the MT-32 andcompatibles in a type 1 standard MIDI file.
SHVMIDI3.ZIP 110,405 02-23-92 Shavano Music MS-DOS MIDI Utilities
SOP9219B.ZIP 134,344 04-30-92 STS Orbit Plus v9219 2 of 2.
SOX.ZIP 80,206 06-15-92 SOund eXchange - C source for convertingvarious sound files.
SOX4D.ZIP 55,411 05-12-92 Convert between different sound formats.
SVPLAYGM.ZIP 30,794 10-07-92 Do you want to play a game voice file. Selfplaying VOC files need only a Soundblaster
SYMPH40.ZIP 4,031 06-18-92 Mozart'S "Symphony No. 40 In G Minor" .RolMusic File.
SYMPHONY.ZIP 11,408 05-07-92 I Hear A Symphony (Diana Ross) MIDI sequenceby MD MacDonald for the LAPC/MT-32 etc
TAIL_SND.ZIP 31,148 05-14-92 Sound of CURLY being tailed by monkeys
TARKUSC.ZIP 130,260 10-12-92 Emerson, Lake & Palmer's TARKUS COMPLETE allmovements in .MID and Cakewalk formats forSOUND CANVAS and GS compatibles over 20 minsof music.
TEAMSND.ZIP 59,771 02-26-92 The sound of our President
TENWALTZ.ZIP 3,764 05-07-92 Tennessee Waltz MIDI sequence for the LAPC /MT-32 etc by MD MacDonald
THRILL.ZIP 18,030 10-05-92 Thriller - MIDI for the MT-32 / LAPC
TILES.ZIP 2,756 05-15-92 Led Zeppelin - Out On The Tiles -> .ROL.
TONIGHT_.ZIP 3,587 08-23-92 MID-MT32: Bob Seefer's We Got Tonight, forthe Roland MT-32/LAPC-1 & Compatibles.
TOOLATE.ZIP 2,191 03-06-92 Too Late Baby by Carole King. Seq withBallade for the MT-32 but can be addaptedfor all synths.
USA_SND.ZIP 824,346 06-11-92 Some cRaZy sounds of the U.S.A.
VPSND.ZIP 152,631 03-07-92 Sound of our V.P. sparring verbally.
VYTRA.ZIP 35,763 02-29-92 Some songs. .SNGs
WAKEMEUP.ZIP 401,901 07-25-92 The song "Wake me up before you gogo" byWHAM for Covox speech thing
WALLYSND.ZIP 90,844 02-18-92 Music from "Adventures of André & Wally B."
WEEP.ZIP 4,800 06-21-92 MIDI: While My Guitar Gently Weeps, SMF type1 file for the Roland MT-32 by Mick Doyle.
WHAT_SND.ZIP 281,617 06-10-92 Sounds like an unsolved mystery
WHENIDIE.ZIP 6,193 05-23-92 When I Die Midi made popular by Blood Sweatand Tears. Sequenced by Darla for the MT-32but can be adapted to any snyth. With alittle help from Magician :<)
WHITPALE.ZIP 3,217 08-23-92 MID-MT32: Whiter Shade of Pale.
WILD_SND.ZIP 102,294 04-28-92 Sounds of a WILD life
WLFHOWL.ZIP 26,875 10-16-92 WAV a howling wolf.
WSIDE.ZIP 16,058 09-16-92 Prologue to Bernstein's "West Side Story" inMIDI1 format. Originally realized on theRoland Sound Canvas (SC-55).W/track sheet,etc
WSIDE1.ZIP 8,573 10-04-92 Prologue to WEST SIDE STORY realized forRoland Sound Canvas with complete notes foradaptation to other synths. .MID format
WSIDE4C5.ZIP 10,381 10-22-92 #4c, "ChaCha" & #5, "Maria" WESTSIDE STORYpart of the ongoing project. Realized forthe Roland Sound Canvas but with completedocumentation for conversion to other synths.
X_SND.ZIP 180,781 05-29-92 Sounds of MALCOLM X
Y_SND.ZIP 237,737 05-08-92 Sounds of Buckaroo Banzai